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Coffee mornings at Sacred Heart Church, 356 London Road, Waterlooville, PO7 7SR

General meetings at Sacred Heart Church, 356 London Road, Waterlooville, PO7 7SR and
Cosham Baptist Church, 48 Havant Road, Cosham PO6 2QZ



Monday 10th March

Coffee morning at Waterlooville
Find out about our interest groups and social events; have a cuppa and chat; make new friends.

Wednesday 19th March

General meeting at Cosham
Jackie Dimmock - The Good, The Bad & The Downright Funny
Jackie will recall stories relating to her 30 years as a Hampshire Police Officer, using a series of mini quilts to depict the stories. (The quilts are fabulous).
Jackie's talk uses the full range of human emotions to keep the audience interested and enthralled.

Wednesday 26th March

General meeting at Waterlooville
Jessica Thurtell - Dining with History
Jessica guides us back through time to discover the food and eating customs from Anglo-Saxon time to the present day - the evolution of English eating.
It's not all wealth and feasting - think about peasant meals of pottage, working class dinners and middle-class genteel dining too. Discover the evolution of table manners and how to eat politely - from daggers and fingers to soup spoons, fruit knives and oyster forks!


About Waterlooville u3a
Charity Number 1116807

Waterlooville u3a formed in January 2006 and has grown into a thriving organisation with over 950 members and growing. We are a friendly, informal group, offering a fresh approach to life-long learning. We organise a varied programme of creative, study, social and leisure activities with over 100 groups covering many different subjects. These are run by members who freely give their time, to share their knowledge and experience, and develop their own individual capabilities by learning from other members. We also hold sociable meetings with an outside speaker on the 3rd Wednesday afternoon of each month at Cosham Baptist Church and on the 4th Wednesday afternoon of each month at The Sacred Heart Parish Centre, Waterlooville.

If you would like to meet active and enthusiastic people who take a creative and positive approach to after work and family then you are likely to enjoy Waterlooville u3a and our activities.

The u3a ethos is 'Learn, Laugh, Live'. It is an international movement and in the UK there are over 1,000 u3as with a total membership of over 420,000. It’s an organisation for people to share interests with each other. There are no tests or exams and no qualifications required or gained. Full details at www.u3a.org.uk